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Matamata-Piako Libraries are turning a new page - we are fine free on overdues as of 1 July 2023.

We are really excited to join other libraries from around New Zealand and the world, who are reducing barriers to accessing information by removing fines on overdue items. It's usually the people who need libraries the most who are the most impacted by fines. That's not what libraries are about. We want our libraries to be places where people read, grow and connect. Where they feel comfortable in our spaces and accessing our books, services, programmes and events - where they can be lifelong learners.


Won't people stop returning their books?

Many think that fines act as an incentive for people to bring their books back on time and that by removing fines, there will be no deterrent for people to keep the books forever. Experience from other libraries who have gone fine free show that in the long term there is no significant difference in the number of items not returned.