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NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - November 2022

We’re getting on board with National Novel Writing Month!pexels-suzy-hazelwood-1995842.jpg

NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge to encourage creative writing, collaboration, and the use of our libraries as a writing space for library customers throughout the district – based on the NaNoWriMo initiative where participants attempt to write a novel in a month:   

Participants who sign up will receive a weekly newsletter with tips from local authors and prompts for writing. Participants may submit tips and tricks for future newsletters if they wish.


Subscribe to newsletter here



 Customers who complete a first chapter and submit it may be eligible to have their first chapter published! We will be arranging to have a collection of first chapters published in book form, and made available to borrow in the library.

We will have space available for local prospective writers to work on their novels in each library, should you need a quiet place to work on your novel! We will also have displays set up in our libraries, with books based around creative writing, how published writers have honed and grown their craft, debut novels, and local authors.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or on 07 889 8388. Good luck!